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The Best Skincare Facebook Groups

There are now thousands of Skincare Facebook Groups to choose from; it´s all about finding the one that suits you, your skin and the skincare brands you´re interested in.

Some skincare groups will talk about all skincare brands, whilst other groups may be more niche, talking about specific brands like The Ordinary & Deciem or skin concerns like Rosacea or Melasma.

Facebook Groups – honest reviews, the good and the bad

We all have our favourite bloggers, vloggers, and influencers, but I believe it’s crucial to hear from people with all different types of skin and concerns to find out if a product is really worth your hard-earned cash.

There are so many groups to choose from, and you will often find the same members in all the different groups. Some groups are worldwide; others will say they are in the USA or UK. It can be frustrating when someone talks about an amazing product, but you can´t buy it in your country, so bear this in mind.

Watch out for too many positive reviews

If the reviews on a brand´s own social media are all positive, my advice is to search for the negative. Reddit is a brilliant source! No product will be loved 100%. Brands can control the negative comments by removing and restricting them on their own social media platforms. I know this because this has happened to me with a particular haircare brand. Watch out for Facebook Groups that only approve positive reviews too!

The Ordinary & Deciem Facebook Group

The Ordinary & Deciem Chat Room is predominantly about The Ordinary & Deciem product, although you will find some non Deciem posts. Korean Beauty is also a hot topic, along with cleansers and sun creams. We love to hear your reviews, the good and the bad. People need to understand one product will not suit everyone.

How To Find A Skincare Facebook Group

If you go to your main profile page on Facebook, use the search box and type in the main word you´re looking for. So if you´re looking for The Ordinary, type in The Ordinary or Deciem. Then you have the option to choose from Pages, Groups, People, etc. Choose groups and you will find a long list of groups to choose from


Byrdie voted The Ordinary & Deciem Chat Room as one of the top 5 Skincare Groups to join.

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The Best Skincare Facebook Groups

The Negatives About Facebook Groups

I would love to say how amazing and peaceful it is to work on Facebook Groups every day, but I would be lying.

In a Facebook Group, you could be talking to anyone from anywhere in the world. They may have woken up in a bad mood, just lost their pet, a family member, or generally feeling down. Anything could be going on in their life. We react differently to comments depending on our moods and could easily take offence where it really wasn´t intended.

Different nationalities have different ways of answering. Some may come across as more abrupt than others. They don´t mean to be rude. It´s just the way it comes across when written and translated. Of course, some people are rude, and there´s the occasional troll too.

My advice is to try and not take things too personally, and if you do have an issue in any group, you can click ´report to admin´ top right of each post. You can also block people or hide their posts.

There are humans working hard behind every Facebook Group

Behind all these Facebook Groups are humans approving your posts all day long and keeping the group running smoothly. Many people don´t realise the work that goes into running a Facebook Group 24/7.

Facebook Group Members Come & Go

People come and go all the time in Facebook Groups for all different reasons. You can simply grow out of a group, or maybe you´re no longer interested in the brand. If you don’t want to leave a group completely, change your notifications or snooze the group for 30 days.

Controlling the Facebook Group feed

If you find your feed is too busy, you can turn off notifications for your groups and just log in manually as and when you feel. You can also turn off notifications on posts where you have commented and keep seeing all the replies. Just click the little arrow top right of each post and turn off notifications. You can also snooze a group.

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Facebook Groups – Be sure they’re accept negative posts!

When you join a Facebook Group, be sure if it´s independently run or if it´s part of the brand that they allow negative posts and positive ones.

Facebook Groups are a brilliant way to talk directly the consumers, people who have bought the products, tried them and tested them.

The Ordinary Reviews

Side Build Your Own Skin Care Regimen

the Ordinary Discounts

The Ordinary Discounts

Rosacea Regimen – products to help redness

Rosacea Regimen


Pigmentation Regimen

Signs of Ageing Regimen

signs of ageing regimen

Nicola Kilner’s Regimen

Nicola Kilners Skincare Routine

Top 10 Ordinary Best Selling

The Ordinary Bestsellers

The Ordinary Product You can & Cannot Mix

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to NIOD

NIOD Guide

How to Layer The Ordinary

How To Layer The Ordinary

Confused? Ask Deciem for FREE Personalised regimen

Ask Deciem For A Regimen

Dull skin? Try this brightening routine

Brightening Routine

Signs of Congestion

Blemishes & Congestion Regimen

Simple Skincare Routine

Simplistic Regimen

Hydration Regimen

Hydration Regimen

The Ordinary For Men

The Ordinary For Men
NIOD CHeatSheet